
Freshman scholarships 2017 in uofm dearborn
Freshman scholarships 2017 in uofm dearborn

freshman scholarships 2017 in uofm dearborn

U of M’s Dearborn campus awarded him a full ride, but he’s heading to Ann Arbor instead as a chemical engineering major. Valedictorian Hani Elhasan of Dearborn High, also a Lebanese American, graduated with a GPA of 4.4115 and was accepted to the University of Michigan, U of M-Dearborn and Wayne State University. Dearborn High Valedictorian Hani Elhassan Hamid said he thanks his parents and siblings for “creating a great home environment” and his friends, administrators, teachers and counselor for supporting him along the way.

freshman scholarships 2017 in uofm dearborn

“I really believe that they’ve built an environment for all to succeed.” “I truly loved being a part of Dearborn Public Schools,” he said of his experience, adding that he never took a day for granted. Hamid has not yet decided on a major, but he said it will definitely be one of the natural sciences. “As I grew older, I was able to visit it, see the campus, the programs, the professors… Everything just made it a great fit for me.” “Ever since I was little, I loved the University of Michigan,” he said. Hamid received the Brehm scholarship, a full-ride to the University of Michigan only offered to Fordson students, He even visited Harvard, but couldn’t help but choose the same university as his three older siblings did. The Lebanese American student graduated with a 4.45 cumulative GPA and got accepted to all four universities. Fordson High School Valedictorian Mohammed Hamidįordson High School’s 2017 valedictorian, Mohammed Hamid, 18, applied to the University of Michigan, U of M-Dearborn, Harvard University and Wayne State University.

Freshman scholarships 2017 in uofm dearborn